Custom Work

Custom Work


The is ‘Bricoleur ‘ work, which could include any custom, rustic, natural or fine creations which could be furniture, sculpture, bronzes, waxes, mold making, repair of almost anything, artwork, specialized landscaping, fixing just about anything, consultation on building, design, plaster, stobe work. Mostly concentrating much less on sitecand home visits and more on creatiobs, repair and art. Sliding scale and variable fees, yet mostly hourly

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Thor has a 3,000 ft2 shop/studio that is loaded with tools and capacity to: make custom furniture, architectural ornaments and millwork, sculptures (including bronzes using the full foundry; wax making, lost wax burnout, cooking up bronze),  rubber molds and/or ceramic molds, sand molds, repair just about anything (including furniture, chairs, architectural ornaments, steel items, misc. items including some electrical and plumbing items).  Thor has large radial arm saw, panel saw, shaper, jointers, drill presses, table saws, welders (including new generator for welding in the 'field'), beam saw, diamond cutters and grinders (recently made a stone sink!), can cut and fit flagstone.  The capabilities are almost endless.  Thor tends to charge/estimate at $40-$50 per hour for services (great value!!),  including some 'house calls'.